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Report an Outage

Are You Experiencing a Power Outage?

Our Outage Map displays the current outages we are working on. If the outage is already displayed on the Outage Map, please do not call to report the outage.

Check the Outage Map

24-Hour Outage Info Line

To report an outage not already displayed on the Outage Map, call our 24-hour Outage Info Line at 1-833-769-3701. To keep phone lines open, please do not call if the outage affecting you is already displayed on the Outage Map.

Please provide the following information when you call:

  • Your phone number and address where power is interrupted.
  • Any additional information about the outage (e.g., loud bangs, sparks, neighbours having power).

Outage Restoration Updates

Here are two methods for getting the latest outage restoration updates.

View outage restoration updates for all major power emergencies on GrandBridge Energy’s social media, Facebook and X.

Use the Outage Map to view locations of current outages including the causes and estimated restoration times.

Beware of Downed Power Lines

Call 9-1-1 and GrandBridge Energy immediately to report any downed wires or electrical hazards.

Always treat downed power lines as live and dangerous. Electricity can travel through the ground around downed wires. Stay back at least 10 metres (33 feet) or the length of a school bus.

A downed power line may be the cause of an outage.

Important: Please do not send emails regarding outages. Our email inbox is monitored Monday to Friday, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. only.