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Rates - For Business

The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) sets Time-of-Use, Tiered & ULO electricity rates in Ontario.

Rates are calculated using a 12-month forecast that helps make pricing more stable, predictable, and fair for users and electricity generators.

Electricity Rates & Charges

GrandBridge Energy business customers are billed according to their rate classification, which is determined by the monthly electricity consumed and the service size.

Understanding Your Bill

Your electricity bill is made up of Electricity, Delivery (including transmission and distribution) and Regulatory charges. For a detailed explanation of electricity terms, visit the Ontario Energy Board website.

Learn How to Understand Your Bill

This is the cost of electricity supplied during the billing period and is calculated on the adjusted kilowatt hours (kWh) used. The electricity charges on your bill will be based on prices set by spot market pricing through the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) and the Ontario Energy Board or based on a contract with a retailer. Electricity charges are collected by GrandBridge Energy and paid directly to electricity suppliers. We do not keep any of these charges.

Customers with an interval meter pay the Hourly Ontario Energy Price, the spot market price for their electricity, plus Global Adjustment Charges. The Spot price is determined by matching supply with Ontario’s demand for electricity in the real-time market operated by the IESO. In Ontario, all electricity rates reflect the wholesale electricity price in some way. The wholesale price of electricity is dynamic − changing hourly based on demand and supply availability. Factors impacting demand include consumer behaviour, weather, time of day, day of the week, and economic conditions.

Customers without an interval meter pay the Weighted Average Hourly Price (WAP) for their electricity.

Small business customers who use <50 kWh monthly are automatically part of the Regulated Price Plan (RPP) for the purchase of electricity. This means you are charged a regulated price per kilowatt hour (kWh) for electricity you use. RPP customers are classified as Standard Supply Service customers. The rates include Global Adjustment Charges. The Ontario Energy Board reviews these electricity rates every six months in May and November.

You can choose between three electricity price plan options: Time-of-Use (TOU), Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO) or Tiered. You can switch between these options anytime, but you must notify GrandBridge Energy through your My Account portal or by submitting an election form.

  • Time-of-use (TOU): With TOU prices, the price depends on when you use electricity. You can help manage your electricity costs by shifting your usage to lower price periods.There are three TOU periods:
    • Off-peak: When electricity demand is lowest. Ontario households use most of their electricity – nearly two-thirds of it – during off-peak hours.
    • Mid-peak: When electricity demand is moderate. These periods are during the daytime but not the busiest times of the day.
    • On-peak: When electricity demand is generally higher. These are the busier times of day – typically when people cook, start their computers, and run heaters or air conditioners.

    People use electricity differently depending on the season, so the TOU price periods are different in winter than summer.

  • Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO):With Ultra-Low Overnight (ULO) prices, customers are charged according to the day of the week and time they use electricity. This plan benefits customers who consume most of their electricity overnight or charge an electric vehicle overnight. The ULO periods are the same in the summer as in the winter.There are four different ULO price periods.
    • ULO Overnight – when electricity demand is lowest on average.
    • ULO Weekend Off-peak – when electricity demand is generally lower.
    • ULO Mid-peak – when electricity demand is moderate.
    • ULO On-peak – when electricity demand is highest on average.
  • Tiered: With Tiered prices, you can use electricity throughout the day/week at the same price (tier 1) if you do not exceed the allotted threshold (per kWh). Once that limit is exceeded, a higher price (tier 2) applies. For small commercial customers, the threshold is 750 kWh all year round.

Customers also have the option to purchase electricity from an electricity Retailer. If a consumer signs a retail contract, they pay a fixed rate independent of the RPP pricing and Spot Market price. These customers will also pay the Global Adjustment in addition to the rate of their retail contract.

What Would Your Bill Look Like if You Signed a Retailer Contract?

Sign up for My Account and run a price comparison.

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Glossary of Electricity Terms

The Electricity charges on your bill are based on the prices set by the Ontario Energy Board or a contract with a Retailer. Electricity charges are collected by the utility and paid directly to electricity suppliers.

The delivery charge is the cost of delivering electricity from generation stations across the province to GrandBridge Energy and then to your business. This includes the costs of building and maintaining the transmission and distribution lines, towers, and poles and operating provincial and local electricity systems.

A portion of these charges are fixed and do not change from month to month. The rest are variable and increase or decrease depending on your electricity use.

GrandBridge Energy retains only the Monthly Service Charge and the Local Distribution charge (called the Delivery) on your bill.

Regulatory charges are the costs of administering the wholesale electricity system and maintaining the reliability of the provincial grid.

Electricity generators in Ontario receive a combination of payments from the operation of the wholesale market, payments set by regulation and payments set by contracts. Your portion of the net adjustments arising from these and other authorized payments is included on your bill as Global Adjustment.