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Redirection of Payment Form

Redirection of Payment Form

This form is used by micro distributed generators (MicroFIT 10 kW or less) to submit information for the redirection of MicroFIT generation payment. Do not complete this form if you are the homeowner and you are receiving the MicroFIT payments.

Contract Information

Name on IESO Contract(Required)
Secondary Name on IESO Contract (if applicable)
Solar Facility Address(Required)

Redirection of Payment

Mailing Address of Third Party Company(Required)
WHEREAS the Retail Settlement Code (the "Code") requires GrandBridge Energy to pay the Generator at the Hourly Ontario Energy Price as published by the IESO (or such other price as set out in the Code as it may be amended from time to time) for all electricity supplied by the Generator to GrandBridge Energy;
AND WHEREAS the Generator sells the output of the Micro-Distributed Generation Facility to the Independent Electricity System Operator (“IESO”) and has entered into an agreement with the IESO for that purpose;
AND WHEREAS the Generator wishes to have GrandBridge Energy Re-direct all payments payable to the Generator by GrandBridge Energy for the electricity delivered by the Micro-Distributed Generation Facility to GrandBridge Energy distribution system directly to the Payee; and
NOW THEREFORE, the Generator hereby:
1. Acknowledges and agrees that the Generator is solely responsible for ensuring that the re-direction of the payments payable by GrandBridge Energy to the Generator for the electricity delivered by the Micro-Distributed Generation Facility to GrandBridge Energy’s distribution system to the Payee does not breach any terms of its agreement with the IESO for the sale of the output of the Micro-Distributed Generation Facility; and 2. directs GrandBridge Energy to do the following: a) Make all payments payable by GrandBridge Energy to the Generator pursuant to the Code in respect of the electricity supplied by the Micro-Distributed Generation Facility to GrandBridge Energy to the Third Party Company Listed within this agreement;
b) provide the Payee with access to all metering data collected by GrandBridge Energy in respect of the Micro-Distributed Generation Facility, and this direction shall be GrandBridge Energy good and final authority to do so.
i) the Generator or a person with legal authority to act on the Generator’s behalf (including, but not limited to estate trustees, trustees in bankruptcy or a person acting under a continuing power of attorney for property) (collectively, the “Generator’s Representative(s)”) provides GrandBridge Energy with another Authorization to Re-direct Payment to Another Party; or
ii) the Generator or the Generator’s Representative(s) provides GrandBridge Energy with written notice revoking this Authorization to Re-direct Payment to Another Party; or
iii) GrandBridge Energy is required to make payments owing to the Generator to someone other than the Payee pursuant to a judicial or governmental order or other legal process; or
iv) the Micro-Distributed Generation Facility is permanently disconnected from GrandBridge Energy distribution system.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Name of Contract Holder(Required)
Clear Signature
Name of second signatory (if applicable)
Clear Signature