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EV Preliminary Consultation Information Reque

EV Preliminary Consultation Information Request Form

This Preliminary Consultation Information Request form is intended for use by customers that have flexibility in where they can install their planned EVSE. The customer should only proceed with this form if the proposed EVSE project is for non-residential applications. Complete all fields unless otherwise noted, to enable the preliminary connection assessment. The customer does not need to commit to any information provided in the form. Changes can be made when submitting a written connection request. Please note that the preliminary consultation information request process does not consider the full range of technical evaluations that would be performed by GrandBridge Energy. Once the form is submitted, GrandBridge Energy will respond with an EV Preliminary Consultation Report (EVPCR) which provides additional information the potential complexity of the connection. Capacity is not reserved upon completion of this form, capacity is reserved upon execution of the Offer to Connect. All kVA capacity information in this form should be in alternating current (AC) power.

General Customer Information

YYYY dash MM dash DD
Customer Type(Required)
Customer Representative (Individual Name)(Required)
Customer Address (corporate if applicable)(Required)

Project Information

Service Type:(Required)
Connection Type:(Required)
Charger Type:(Required)

Site Information

Site Address (Location of Proposed Facility)(Required)

Additional Information

The customer can provide any additional information related to the EVSE project that wasn't covered in the previous sections. This might include details such as anticipated hourly demand profile (in kWh), specifics make/model of EVSE to be installed, smart charge capability, indented end use (public, private or institutional). Such supplementary details, beyond the required information outlines above, may assist the GrandBridge Energy in preparing the EVPCR by offering insights into potential connection impacts.
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