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Partnerships & Collaboration

Committed to Forming Partnerships and Fostering Collaboration

GrandBridge Energy is committed to forming partnerships and fostering collaboration with industry and community organizations. Working closely with like-minded people to achieve common goals supports our values of teamwork, collaboration and environmental sustainability and contributes to our Strategic Goal to Enable Community Ambitions.  

Our employees play active roles by participating on industry committees, councils and working groups.  Our contribution helps to achieve our vision to be a leader in energy transformation and supports our mission to bridge communities to the energy future.

Our Partners Include:

The Centre for Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation (CEATI) is a user-driven organization committed to providing impactful solutions to utility members, leveraging the benefits of their powerful network and technical expertise to meet member needs. 

As a member of CEATI, GrandBridge is part of a network of a well-established network of 150+ utilities from across the globe. CEATI harnesses innovation and empowers collaboration to advance the industry via specialized interest groups covering all areas of power generation, transmission, and distribution. 

The organization brings together a universal knowledge of the industry that’s essential to targeting and aiding key issues that affect all members. CEATI’s unique and trusted program model provides a cost-effective vehicle for sharing experiences and addressing issues pertinent to day-to-day operation, maintenance, and planning.

GrandBridge Energy is a member of The Electricity Distributors Association (EDA).

The EDA is the trusted and vital source for advocacy, insight and information for Ontario’s local electricity distributors, the municipally and privately owned companies that safely and reliably deliver electricity to millions of Ontario homes, businesses and public institutions.

GrandBridge Energy is a proud member of the GridSmartCity Cooperative. The 15 local distribution company members manage $2.5 Billion in assets, serving more than 877,000 customers across 45 communities.

The Cooperative works collectively on mutual priorities, sharing resources, insights and systems in several key areas. The joint initiatives and collective purchasing power help run smarter utilities, while advancing innovation, reliability and efficiency across Ontario’s electricity grid.

GrandBridge Energy is a long-time supporter of Sustainable Waterloo Region (SWR), a social enterprise non-profit organization that helps the local business community, and Waterloo region as a whole, become more environmentally and economically sustainable.

Utilities Standards Forum (USF) is a forum of Ontario electricity members, including GrandBridge Energy.  It is a place where teams from Engineering, IT, Customer Service and Regulatory departments, as well as management, and women in the industry, collaborate on meeting changing regulatory requirements and general business needs.

We are a founding member and continuing supporter of WR Community Energy, a collaborative initiative between the Region of Waterloo, its urban municipalities and local utilities, including GrandBridge Energy. WR Community Energy was created to lead the implementation of Waterloo Region’s Community Energy Investment Strategy and to steward energy transition in our community.