Earlier this year, GrandBridge Energy (GBE) discovered a billing error that caused a small subset of customer bills in both GrandBridge Energy service areas to include some charges slightly more than the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) approved charges. GBE proactively notified the OEB of the billing error upon discovery.
The error related to the incorrect proration of fixed monthly charges, which was used in only two circumstances: (a) the first and last bill of a partial month (move-in and move-out); or (b) if the customer is billed off-cycle (not based on their bill day) when accounts are behind on billing.
Since the error was discovered, GBE has made the necessary corrections to ensure the billing system is now correctly applying all approved fixed monthly charges moving forward, and we are complying with the OEB Assurance Voluntary Compliance stipulations.
To remedy the error, GBE will contribute $57,171.45 to the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) to help customers in need in its service territory. This amount is equivalent to four years of overcharges and approximately $0.39 per invoice of the affected customers.
All GBE customers will receive a notice of the Assurance Voluntary Compliance in an upcoming bill.
For more details, see the “Enforcement Proceedings” section on www.oeb.ca